Fall Art Classes
Every week I will showcase an exceptional artist. We're going to learn about an artist's famous artworks, the vision and the color techniques utilized. I will teach your kids about volume, shape, form and style. I will create curriculums to fit levels of expertise. M-T at 4pm-5pm, or 5pm-6pm

Time & Location
Coming soon
Fine Art Inspired, TBD
About the event
Week 1. Sep 11 - 16 The Cézanne lesson.
- Paint 3 apples
- Importance of entire composition
Week 2. Sep 18 - 23 The Dali Lesson.
- Create imaginary animal based on Dali work
Week 3. Sep 25 - 30 The Escher lesson.
- What is Tessellation? Drawing Still Life Class
Week 4. Oct 2 - 7 The Leonardo da Vinci
- Airplane or Mona Lisa drawing
Week 5. Oct 9 - 14 The Monet lesson.
- Landscape Painting. Light, Perspective, Space, Composition
Week 6. Oct 16 - 21 The Van Gogh lesson.
- Who Am I? Self-Portraits in Art. Self Portrait Sketching
Week 7. Oct 23 - 28 The Serov lesson.
- What is Texture? Self Portrait Painting
Week 8. Oct 23 - Nov4 The Rembrandt
- What is artist Baroque? Full Figure Sketching Class – Fashion Design
Week 9. Nov 6 - 11 The Degas
- What is Perspective? Indoor or Outdoor Spaces.
Week 10. Nov 13 - 18 The Miro lesson.
- What is Composition? Indoor or Outdoor Spaces.
Week 11. November 27 - December 2 The Picasso Lesson
- What is Cubism? Creative Thinking Class
Week 12. December 4-9 The Warhol Lesson
- What is Pop Art? Illustration Class
Week 7,8 Landscape from Photograph on Canvas, size variable
- Composition, Aerial Perspective, Space
- Foreground, Middle Ground, Background
Week 9 Copy a Painting on Canvas
- Select a reproduction
- Replicate the basic Color Structure of the referent work
Week 10,11 Expressive vs. Representational use of color
- Select subject and format
Week 12,13 Review and revisit one or more subjects
Week 14 Finish, organize work for ...
- Create subject into many different shapes
- Then, repaint it from different angles.
- Trying to achieve your own style.Color theory and mixing
Primaries, Secondaries, Complementary Pairs
Mixing with Primaries/Secondaries only
Equal step progression
89 days 1 hourFall Art Classes Schedule